Car Mechanics Expert Electronics Diagnostics Vol 1 Free Download

Car Mechanics Expert Electronics Diagnostics Vol 1 PDF

Electrical and electronic circuits, no matter how complex they are, there are keys to understand them and identify the defects they contain. The most important keys to understand electrical circuits are to divide the big circuit into small circuits, and by following these circuits we can neutralize the damaged element and also we must differentiate the role of each element in the circuit.

I do not want to say here that you need to know all the electrical and electronic elements because this has become difficult.The number of types of electrical switches, for example, is very large and varies depending on its use, but understand the nature of the work of this switch makes you understand what role it plays. For example, does it conduct electricity in its normal position, and when pressed, it disconnects or vice versa, and on this basis, you can understand.

And if you are interested in the field of modern car electronics and want to learn everything about the field of modern car electronics and its professionalism, so that you can learn many important and necessary things that anyone working in the field of modern car electronics must be aware, then the book Modern car electronics will serve as an important and very useful reference in case you need information in the field of modern car electronics, so that this book will help you to know the basics and electrical circuits, in addition to explaining the wires and connection ends and explaining the resistance of electrical connectors and many other important explanations that will certainly help you in the field of modern car electronics.

The book Electronic Modern Cars also contains many important explanations and lessons in the field of modern automotive electronics, so it contains an explanation of the electrical and electromagnetic symbols used in the electrical systems of the vehicle and an explanation of all the different types. of vehicle batteries, in addition to the electronic elements and an explanation of integrated circuits.